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Not Sure What To Learn About Next? David from the UK Will Learn Online About Web Development

Learners from all over the world are attending online courses in a broad variety of subjects. We have asked an online student who is planning to learn about web development and SEO to tell us about his experience.

Not Sure What To Learn About Next? David from the UK Will Learn Online About Web Development
Picture: pexels/pixabay

David M. from the UK has attended online courses before. For example, he has learned about search engine optimization (SEO) for beginners on the Udemy platform. 

He says that he is "a firm believer in online education" and that he plans to do many more online courses.

Which Online Courses Does He Want To Do Next?

David would now like to learn about web development, again with a course on the Udemy platform, to be able to build websites with HTML and CSS.

"I have always wanted to be able to build websites. I have always been interested in the internet world and how a website works, and so I look forward to participating and completing this course. I will then be able to build websites and understand the fundamentals of how the internet and websites work."

He is also planning to take an intermediate SEO class to build on his existing search engine optimization skills.

"Undertaking this course would mean taking the next step to understanding SEO which will massively help me build websites. I feel the two courses – the SEO course and HTML website building course – partner really well, and completing both will really improve my knowledge and make learning easy as the two subjects cross over."

Another topic David finds interesting is teaching English as a foreign language. He is considering taking an online course to help prepare him to become a teacher.

"This would allow me to apply and teach English as a foreign language abroad which I think would be amazing. I have done community project work before and I loved how grateful the kids were at the Kenyan School we helped. So teaching them the basics of one of the most spoken languages in the world will only help them in the future."

Not Sure What To Learn About Next? David from the UK Will Learn Online About Web Development

So What Do You Want To Learn Next?

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